Terri, it is not an exaggeration to say that your professional expertise has made a profound impact on Ellie’s academic performance and even her future. She has always been a diligent student, but before we came to see you, her grades in certain subjects did not reflect her consistent hard work. What was so frustrating was that a few of her teachers’ comments on report cards reflected an obvious attitude that they thought Ellie was just being lazy. Saying things like “she must decide to make the requisite commitment to the daily academic demands” assumed something that simply was not true. I saw how hard Ellie worked and it was demoralizing to have teachers say that her “problem” is that she needed to work harder. At that point, we came to you for help. Your evaluation of her strengths and learning style was just spot on! Your website “motto” says that you offer “assessments that answer questions and change lives.” This is 100% true! If Grade Point Average was the only benchmark for evaluating the success of your proposed academic plan for Ellie, then her post-evaluation sky-rocketing GPA says it all. But more important than her grades, I saw how Ellie’s academic success greatly increased her self-confidence. She is now at Wofford College majoring in Biology and is on track to graduate with honors. I am one proud Dad and am so happy and excited to watch Ellie’s future unfolding! Terri, from the bottom of my heart, I say “thank you” for the positive impact you have made on Ellie’s life! – Brad C.